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Actiq Precautions

Taking a prescription narcotic medication requires that special precautions be taken to ensure safe use. Actiq is the solid form of fentanyl, a powerful opiate used for pain relief. It’s like a lollipop and is meant to deliver the medication through the mouth. Because of its potency, Actiq precautions includes its high potential for misuse, […]

Buprenorphine Precautions

Safe pain management is possible and has become such an issue as more and more cases of opiate abuse, addiction and fatal overdose have been reported. All medications in the opiate class, including buprenorphine, carry certain warnings and precautions because of their potency and potential to lead to problems. Buprenorphine can be used for pain […]

Dangers of Buying Zydone Online

If you decide to buy your prescription medication online, there are certain things you should know before choosing a website. Not every company that claims to be a pharmacy actually is. Zydone combines hydrocodone and acetaminophen for pain relief. It’s an opiate (narcotic) medication and can lead to habitual use over time. Hydrocodone is the […]

Dangers of Home Detox with Buprenorphine

Physicians prescribe Buprenorphine to help people detox from opiates. It’s a prescription medication that makes up Suboxone and Subutex but it too can become habit forming. Some people who use buprenorphine to detox from drugs like heroin or OxyContin develop a reliance on it, physically and/or mentally. When the goal is to become completely opiate free, patients […]

Darvocet Detox at Home Presents Risks

Long term use of the painkiller Darvocet can eventually lead to physical and psychological dependence. When this happens it’s absolutely imperative that medical help be sought to sort out the problem. Trying to conquer opiate addiction at home without proper supervision can be risky, even deadly. Some people will try to detox at home by […]

Darvocet Precautions & Risks

Knowing the best way to take Darvocet and other narcotic prescription painkillers can help guard against complications. This includes knowing what information should be shared with your doctor and which medications, substances and foods may cause a potential interaction. Darvocet is used to manage mild to moderate pain and has the potential to lead to […]

Demerol Precautions

Demerol precautions and warnings should be seriously read with extreme caution due to its narcotic risks. If you have been prescribed Demerol for pain relief, read up on precautions and warnings for safe use before beginning therapy. Demerol is meperidine hydrochloride and can be habit forming. Meperidine is an opioid and considered a Schedule II Controlled […]

Dilaudid Detox at Home Presents Risks

Long term use of the painkiller Dilaudid can eventually lead to physical and psychological dependence. When this happens it’s absolutely imperative that medical help be sought to sort out the problem. Trying to conquer opiate addiction at home without proper supervision can be risky, even deadly. Some people will try to dilaudid detox at home […]

Dilaudid Precautions

If a doctor has prescribed Dilaudid for you, it’s because the benefits outweigh any potential risks. Dilaudid contains hydromorphone hydrochloride and comes in liquid and tablet formula. It is meant to treat pain but can also cause feelings of sedation and euphoria. Hydromorphone is a powerful Schedule II Controlled Substance and has a high potential […]

Duragesic Warnings

The Duragesic pain patch carries a black box warning, the most obvious indication that the opiate pain medication could pose serious problems for users. Duragesic warnings are designed to prevent complications. If the warnings are ignored, patients could suffer serious health consequences, even death. The medication is intended for persistent, moderate to severe chronic pain […]