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International Callers Dial 1-310-205-0808

Duragesic Warnings

The Duragesic pain patch carries a black box warning, the most obvious indication that the opiate pain medication could pose serious problems for users. Duragesic warnings are designed to prevent complications. If the warnings are ignored, patients could suffer serious health consequences, even death. The medication is intended for persistent, moderate to severe chronic pain […]

Fentanyl Warnings

Fentanyl warnings accompany all prescription medications containing fentanyl, a potent synthetic opioid. Fentanyl is marketed under the names of Actiq, a powerful analgesic that comes in lollipop form, Duragesic, which is a transdermal patch, and Fentora, a tablet. All three of these drugs are indicated for varying degrees of serious pain. Proper use of fentanyl […]

Heroin Warnings

Heroin Warnings and Risks There are so many severe risks and warnings for heroin. Heroin is an illegal street drug synthesized from morphine. This powerful opiate drug is a white or brown powder or a black tar-like substance. It has an enormous potential to lead to abuse, addiction, and possibly fatal overdose. Some people report […]

Hydrocodone Warnings

Save Download Preview Horizontal view of looking directly into an Vicodin Es bottle lying on a black table with white pills falling and reflecting onto a black counter. Hydrocodone warnings concepts.

If you receive a prescription for a medication containing hydrocodone, be sure to follow the directions closely. The opiate (narcotic) medication is an analgesic that relieves moderate to severe pain. Doctors also prescribe it to suppress chronic cough. Strong warnings accompany a prescription for this medication because of its potential to lead to misuse, abuse, physical and […]

Lorcet Warnings

It’s imperative that folks taking Lorcet or other opiate painkillers thoroughly understand the warnings and precautions that accompany that drug. So often, patients leave the pharmacy with a prescription in hand, secure in the belief that it’s safe because a doctor recommended it. In most cases, Lorcet can be taken safely. The drug contains hydrocodone […]

Methadone Warnings

Methadone warnings should be respected and additional care should be taken when powerful prescription medications are prescribed by doctors. Likewise, patients who take these drugs should also be cautious. Most people take methadone therapeutically to assist with opiate addiction. Some people take it recreationally for other reasons. Either way, methadone use can lead down a […]

MS Contin Warnings

Safe use of prescription medication is so important. Like other opiate (narcotic) prescription drugs, following MS Contin’s warnings and precautions ensures safe use. MS Contin is the controlled release version of morphine sulfate, a Schedule II Controlled Substance. The highest two doses of MS Contin are meant only for opiate-tolerant patients. Others could overdose with […]

Norco Warnings

Norco is part of a group of powerful prescription medications called opiates. It’s the combination of hydrocodone, a narcotic pain reliever, and acetaminophen, a non-narcotic analgesic. It’s used to treat moderate to severe pain and can be taken safely under the supervision of a doctor. Safe use is important and is spelled out in the […]

Morphine Warnings

People who take opiates need to be careful and follow the morphine warnings and precautions listed in the instructions on use. Respiratory depression is one of the top warnings associated with morphine and occurs most often in patients who are elderly or disabled. Extreme caution should be used among patients who have chronic obstructive pulmonary […]

Actiq Warnings and Addiction

Strong warnings accompany opiate medications that have a tendency to be habit-forming and lead to misuse and abuse. Actiq is the solid version of fentanyl, a potent narcotic prescription drug. Actiq is available in the form of a lollipop, a trans-dermal patch and by injection. Actiq is considered to be several times more potent than […]