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International Callers Dial 1-310-205-0808

Methadone warnings should be respected and additional care should be taken when powerful prescription medications are prescribed by doctors. Likewise, patients who take these drugs should also be cautious. Most people take methadone therapeutically to assist with opiate addiction. Some people take it recreationally for other reasons. Either way, methadone use can lead down a problematic road that may result in addiction or worse. Methadone is a narcotic analgesic used to reduce withdrawal symptoms for those addicted to heroin or other opiates. Using methadone for detoxification or maintenance purposes may work for some people. Others, who are hoping to completely detoxify from opiates, may find themselves to be dependent upon methadone. A tolerance can build with regular or prolonged use of any opiate and the medication’s effects cease. People need to take more and more in order to experience the same effects.

Methadone Warnings:

Combining Methadone with Some Other Substances Can Be Deadly

It’s important for people to know the risks involved with taking methadone and to know it can be taken safely and effectively. It’s also important to know the risks and the right way to take it so issues like dependence, addiction and overdose can be prevented. Methadone is a central nervous system depressant. Other substances that have this effect include alcohol, other narcotics, sedatives, tranquilizers and hypnotics. Combining methadone with any of these can lead to dangerous respiratory depression, even death. Addiction is a serious problem for patients taking methadone, especially those who’ve had problems in the past with addiction. These folks may be more prone to another addiction. A physical addiction to methadone means that once use is stopped abruptly after a regular period of time, withdrawal symptoms will set in. These can be particularly unpleasant when it comes to opiate addiction. They can include serious drug cravings, tremors, body aches and pains, nausea, vomiting and seizures.

Waismann Method Ends Opiate Dependency Once and For All

Many opiate detox facilities use opiate replacements such as methadone and Suboxone to wean patients. We don’t do this because we know it can cause another addiction. When patients do become dependent upon methadone, Waismann Method is there to help them reverse opiate dependency once and for all. We offer a medical methadone detoxification that manages withdrawal, which can be severe and extremely lengthy. Our detox uses intravenous medication in a full service accredited hospital procedure to cleanse the methadone from patients’ opiate receptors. During this, patients are sleeping lightly under sedation and awaken a short time later. When they do, they aren’t consciously aware that they have already experienced the rapid detox procedure. Our procedure accelerates withdrawal and symptoms develop  while patients are sedated. This takes the fear and unnecessary suffering out of methadone withdrawal and gives patients the peace of mind they need to proceed with recovery. We also offer top-notch aftercare through our Domus Retreat transitional living facility, where patients are assisted through the physiological and emotional transition period. At Domus our guests receive around the clock compassionate care.
For more information regarding the Waismann Methadone Detox and Domus Retreat, give us a call now at 310-205-0808
