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International Callers Dial 1-310-205-0808

Morphine Warnings

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People who take opiates need to be careful and follow the morphine warnings and precautions listed in the instructions on use. Respiratory depression is one of the top warnings associated with morphine and occurs most often in patients who are elderly or disabled. Extreme caution should be used among patients who have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Patients who are taking other substances that depress the central nervous system need to be very careful, as combining these medications can be deadly. It’s important to talk to a doctor about safe use of morphine and other CNS depressants. He or she can adjust the dosages for safe use. These include other opiates, sedatives, hypnotics, general anesthetics, tranquilizers, alcohol and phenothiazines. The combination of these with morphine could produce respiratory depression, hypotension, serious sedation or coma. Those who have been addicted to other drugs or alcohol in the past may need to avoid opiates altogether because the risk for another addiction is strong.

Morphine Warnings Include Tolerance, Addiction, Overdose and Withdrawal

Morphine is a narcotic analgesic that is marketed under several names including Kadian, MS Contin and Roxanol. It is meant to treat moderate to severe pain. Morphine warnings includes the potential to cause a dependency and lead to tolerance, addiction, overdose and severe withdrawal. Repeated exposure to the drug can cause a tolerance to develop, meaning the drug’s effects are diminished and people need to take more and more. Safe pain management can be achieved but must be carefully approached by doctor and patient. Escalating use can lead to dependence quickly and many people need professional help to resolve this. Overdose is another potential hazard. This can happen if patients take too much morphine or take it in conjunction with other CNS depressants. In some cases, overdose can occur among patients who aren’t tolerant to opiates and take too large a dose of morphine. Because of its ability to cause sedation and euphoria, morphine is considered to be a drug of abuse. It also is subject to illegal diversion.

Rapid Morphine Detox Can Be Achieved Safely, Quickly

A morphine addiction is serious and needs to be treated in a medical setting to properly detox patients and guard against a painful or dangerous withdrawal. Symptoms such as vomiting, strong drug cravings and body aches can develop once use is stopped abruptly after a prolonged period. Waismann Method’s rapid opiate detox happens in a hospital where patients can be monitored around the clock. Intravenous medications are used to cleanse morphine from patients’ opiate receptors. This procedure takes less than two hours and patients awaken a short time later from deep sedation, free of opiate addiction. Our procedure eliminates the fear of withdrawal, giving patients a better chance at sustained recovery. Patients typically stay in the hospital 3 to 6 days and can be discharged after a medical evaluation. From there, they can return home to their families and careers. Some may choose to extend recovery in our supportive and discreet Domus Retreat.

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