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Suboxone Withdrawal Symptoms, Treatment and Detox Options

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Suboxone Withdrawal

Suboxone withdrawal symptoms can be unpleasant and challenging because it is a powerful opioid with a very long half-life. Opioid dependency is a severe condition that requires professional medical guidance. Suboxone is the brand name of a medication that contains buprenorphine and naloxone. It is considered a Schedule III narcotic in the U.S. This federal classification is based on factors including the potential to be habit-forming, and it also has an accepted medical use.  While the drug can be useful for treating addiction, Suboxone may also cause dependence, withdrawal, and addiction.
Although some describe suboxone withdrawal as moderate, others report the worst detox they have ever gone through. Studies show that the drug is transmitted to pregnant women’s fetuses on Suboxone therapy during pregnancy. For this reason, buprenorphine drugs are only recommended for pregnant women if a doctor determines the benefits outweigh the risks.

Warnings and Commonly Reported Symptoms

Misusing the drug can produce addiction, overdose, and severe Suboxone withdrawal symptoms. The misuse includes injecting or shooting up the drug. Patients taking this medication should follow their doctors’ advice on how and when to take it. Consuming Suboxone soon after using opiates, including heroin, methadone, and morphine can trigger withdrawal. Opiate withdrawal symptoms include drug cravings, insomnia, mood changes, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, muscle and bone pain, irritability, chills, sweating, and shakiness. Suboxone can be useful in managing drug cravings and withdrawal symptoms from other opiates but can also require patients to undergo a second detox.
According to Reckitt Benckiser Pharmaceuticals Inc., a manufacturer of Suboxone, additional warnings and precautions include:

  • Life-threatening severe breathing problems, overdose, and death can occur, particularly when taken via intravenous (IV) route, combined with benzodiazepines or other central nervous system depressants.
  • Suboxone should not be taken with alcohol as it can lead to loss of consciousness and even death.
  • Rapid dose taper or abrupt discontinuation may result in an opioid withdrawal syndrome.
  • Suboxone sublingual film as an analgesic is not appropriate. Deaths have been reported of opioid-naive individuals who received a 2mg sublingual dose.

Suboxone Withdrawal Symptoms

Suboxone withdrawal symptoms can vary from person to person. It also differs in severity and duration depending on the length of usage and daily dose. Most physical withdrawal symptoms subside after three weeks, though psychological dependence and intense cravings may remain.
According to the FDA, during clinical trials and post-marketing experience, adverse events commonly observed with the of the Suboxone sublingual tablets include the following:

  • headache
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • insomnia
  • pain
  • anxiety
  • intense cravings

The fierce desire is one of the most challenging symptoms after a month of stopping Suboxone use. If the craving is not well managed, It often leads users to relapse. Due to the lengthy withdrawal and intense cravings, it is essential for those who want to succeed in overcoming a Suboxone addiction to contact a medical professional

Waismann Method® Offers Safe, Humane and Opiate-Free Suboxone Detox

Waismann Method of rapid detox offers a safe, compassionate Suboxone withdrawal treatment that doesn’t rely on opiate replacement therapy. Patients in our renowned program first undergo an exhaustive batch of diagnostic medical tests. Particular intravenous medications are then used to cleanse the opiates from patients’ opiate receptors. The Rapid anesthesia detox occurs in an ICU  private room of our accredited hospital. Patients are asleep under sedation for approximately 30 to 90 minutes. They awake unaware of the accelerated withdrawal symptoms that occurred while they were under anesthesia. We have been successfully treating opiate addiction for over 21 years using a scientific and humane approach.

The accelerated detox procedure eliminates Suboxone dependence and requires an inpatient stay of just a few days, as compared to other detox programs which can expect a  30 to 90 days inpatient commitment.

Domus Retreat Offers Positive Approach to Suboxone Addiction

After hospital discharge, patients move into the Domus Retreat after-care facility. Here, patients are encouraged, supported, and pampered during the length of their stay. The Waismann and Domus programs emphasize a positive approach to addiction treatment. We never use shame, guilt, or blame during your stay. Domus Retreat offers a spa-like, serene atmosphere where guests can work on their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Suboxone addiction doesn’t have to complicate your life further. The Waismann and Domus experts can help you sort through the difficulties of addiction and recovery.

Call today at 1-800-423-2482 and ask an addiction about the most comfortable and most effective treatment to successfully get through Suboxone withdrawal.

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