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Suboxone Detox And Pregnancy

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Bearing a child can be a wonderful, but scary adventure that may be complicated if you are taking Suboxone by prescription and if you’re dependent upon it. Suboxone detox and pregnancy is not always a good combination. Speak to a doctor to determine the course of action that is right for you and your unborn child before doing anything.
Your first instinct might be to try and go off Suboxone. Withdrawing completely from opiates you’re dependent upon is not a wise choice during pregnancy because of complications that can affect the fetus. These can include miscarriage, a risk not worth taking.
Suboxone (buprenorphine) is a prescription medication used to switch people off other opiates that are deemed more dangerous. Suboxone is an opiate replacement and can suppress withdrawal and cravings in individuals on drugs such as OxyContin.

Suboxone Detox and Pregnancy: Potential Concerns

Continuing the use of Suboxone during pregnancy can pose risks such as low birth weight, early-term labor and birth defects. In addition, babies born to Suboxone users will go through opiate withdrawal, which can be evidenced by high-pitch crying and discomfort. He or she would need to be monitored closely and treated in a neonatal unit.
Many experts say a better option is to switch the expectant mother from Suboxone to Methadone, which has been studied more extensively in pregnant women. Suboxone is classified as a Category C drug for use during pregnancy. What this means is that while experts think it may be fine for pregnant women, enough studies haven’t been done to confirm it. In addition, the manufacturer advises that Suboxone should only be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding if the benefits outweigh the risks.

Opiate Detox Might Not be Safe for Pregnant Women

Methadone during pregnancy is touted as the safest solution to a less-than-ideal situation. The baby will be born addicted to the medication, but he or she can be weaned and treated accordingly, usually without long-term complications.
Waismann Method Treatment has been successfully detoxing people since 1999 but cannot treat pregnant women. Detox is not a safe option during this time. Many women seek out Waismann Method services once the baby is born because they wish to be completely and totally opiate-free. Not having to rely on opiate replacements such as Methadone is a big relief to many new moms, who can then focus time and energy on the new baby and their recovering health.
If you have recently had a baby and want to detox from Methadone or other opiate replacements, Waismann Method Treatment can provide rapid detox performed in the safety of a hospital. Intravenous medication helps eliminate the physical opiate addiction quickly while patients are deeply sedated. This can happen in a matter of hours. Total hospital stay is 3 to 5 days, with an additional 2 to 7 days transitioning at our Domus Retreat for aftercare.

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