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Vicodin Detox

Vicodin Detox Can Be Achieved in a Humane, Private and Effective Manner Vicodin is an opiate (narcotic) medication that combines hydrocodone and acetaminophen. Hydrocodone is the opiate component, and acetaminophen is a non-narcotic pain reliever. Doctors prescribe Vicodin to treat moderate to severe pain. Prescription holders should use it exactly as prescribed. This medication can be […]

Vicodin Detox Symptoms

  Vicodin is a narcotic pain reliever used to treat moderate to severe pain. It contains Hydrocodone and acetaminophen. Hydrocodone, an opiate, can be habit forming. Vicodin dependence often starts innocently enough. An individual may be injured or  dealing with chronic pain. A physician  starts writing  a prescription for Vicodin in order to control pain. […]

Vicodin Detox Center

If you are suffering with any form of opiate addiction, you know what a struggle it can be. This type of addiction is swift and unforgiving. It can be unrelenting, taking with it health, relationships, financial security and careers. In a word, it can be deadly. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Choosing […]

Vicodin Detox And Pregnancy

An Unsupervised Or Cold Turkey Detox From Vicodin Can Result In Serious Complications For Unborn Babies Whose Mothers Are Dependent Or Addicted Opiate addiction during pregnancy can be perilous. It can put the mother and unborn child at risk for complications. Likewise, detox is not recommended because of the stress this can cause for a […]

Vicodin Dependency

Lots of people are suffering with pain – from trauma, other injuries, surgeries and pain. Oftentimes, doctors will prescribe opiate-based (narcotic) pain relievers such as Vicodin. If the pain is short-term, there should be no problem, as long as the medication is taken within the parameters spelled out in the instructions for use. Taking more […]

Vicodin Dependency And Addiction

Vicodin is an effective pain reliever but is extremely powerful and has the potential to become habit forming. Even those with a prescription are at risk for developing a dependency or possibly an addiction. Vicodin is a narcotic pain reliever made up of Hydrocodone and acetaminophen. This drug diminishes pain and can cause an instant […]

Vicodin Addiction Symptoms

For most people, an addiction to Vicodin develops unintentionally. People are often prescribed this narcotic for pain following surgery or to treat an injury. Some people don’t realize dependence to this drug can develop rather quickly and patients often find themselves needing more to achieve the same effect. This type of behavior can be the […]

Vicodin Addiction Facts

In most communities, addiction is hitting closer and closer to home. Most people don’t need to go to the nearest street corner or a seedy part of town. Many don’t have to look farther than their own medicine cabinet. The type of drug addiction that’s sweeping the nation these days is prescription drugs, namely opiates. […]

Vicodin Addiction And Women

Opiate addiction is a complex and difficult condition, but it resists all stereotypes. Professionals, respectable members of the community and even devoted parents are falling prey to the grips of Vicodin addiction. This is happening everywhere and more often women are becoming the victims. Vicodin is a narcotic pain reliever that is often prescribed to […]

Vicodin Addiction And Families

Dependence to Vicodin can occur with legitimate use as well as Vicodin addiction. Both circumstances can lead to full-blown addiction, which can become the focal point of a person’s life. He or she often finds that health, finances and close relationships suffer as a result. Vicodin is a narcotic pain reliever used to treat moderate […]