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International Callers Dial 1-310-205-0808

Vicodin Dependency And Addiction

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Vicodin is an effective pain reliever but is extremely powerful and has the potential to become habit forming. Even those with a prescription are at risk for developing a dependency or possibly an addiction. Vicodin is a narcotic pain reliever made up of Hydrocodone and acetaminophen. This drug diminishes pain and can cause an instant state of relaxation and calm.
Those on Vicodin can develop dependence to the drug unintentionally. Physical Vicodin dependency can occur with regular use, but this doesn’t mean the person is addicted. This dependence is characterized by the presence of physical opiate withdrawal if the person stops taking Vicodin. Symptoms may include:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Chills
  • Sweating
  • Muscle Pain
  • Yawning
  • Fever
  • Tremors
  • Skin Sensations (Crawling, Itching)
  • Irregular Heart Rate

Vicodin Addiction Can Develop As A Person’s Tolerance Rises
Vicodin tolerance occurs when the body gets used to the amount of Vicodin in the system and its effectiveness begins to diminish. This state may cause the user to seek greater amounts of the drug to achieve the same effect. This is often where dependency and use escalate.
An addiction to Vicodin comprises a physical and psychological dependence.  An addiction usually involves an ongoing and desperate search for more of the drug whether through legal or illegal means. Addiction drives the behaviors regardless of the consequences. Addiction is often fueled by the fear of withdrawal. Generally, an addict will do whatever in order to avoid the symptoms of opiate withdrawal. Addiction can be characterized by specific behaviors such as:

  • Lack of control over use (Taking it more frequently or at a higher dosage)
  • Compulsive use
  • Manipulating drugs to increase effect (crushing or snorting)
  • Continued use despite physical or mental harm
  • Intense craving, obsession
  • Frequent reports of lost or stolen prescription
  • Doctor shopping
  • Using multiple pharmacies

Treating Psychological Vicodin Dependence Is Essential
It’s often the case that people can overcome the intense physical withdrawal from Vicodin but suffer most through the psychological withdrawal. A psychological addiction left untreated can often interfere with the recovery process and may be the cause of relapse. Psychological withdrawal symptoms may include:

  • Intense craving
  • Irritability
  • Insomnia
  • Depression/ despair

In order to end the cycle of Vicodin dependency and addiction, detox is necessary. With Waismann Method Treatment’s rapid detoxification procedure, Vicodin can quickly be eliminated from the system while the patient is under medical care. We offer a number of different options for Vicodin detoxification, based on each patients medical and dependence needs.  Following detox, patients enter the Domus Retreat for an additional 2-to-7 days to address the psychological aspect of addiction. This well-rounded approach to treatment equips patients with the tools necessary to live a life free from Vicodin.

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