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Buprenorphine Warnings & Safety Information

Buprenorphine, marketed under names including Suboxone, Subutex and Buprenex, can be used for pain management but is most often prescribed to treat opiate addiction. Access to the potent drug is restricted to curtail illegal diversion. In order to prescribe Suboxone and Subutex, doctors must first be approved to administer office-based treatment. This clearance must come […]

Codeine Warnings and Treatment for Addiction

Narcotic drugs including codeine can be taken safely and successfully for many patients but may present problems for some. It is a prescription medication used to treat mild to moderate pain. It has the potential to be habit-forming and carries stern warnings on the label in regard to use and possible dangers. Because of its […]

Darvocet Warnings

The federal government issued a Darvocet Warning in 2009, urging patients and doctors to take seriously the risk for overdose. A major cause of accidental Darvocet overdoses has been attributed to the ingestion of too much of the drug. In some cases, overdose can be intentional. Another overdose risk involves taking Darvocet, a central nervous […]

Demerol Warnings and Abuse

Before starting therapeutic treatment with Demerol or any other opiates, it’s important to be aware of all warnings and precautions that pertain to the drug. Demerol used to be a very popular treatment to manage pain but has fallen out of favor somewhat as serious side effects and issues have been reported over the years. […]

Intravenous Opiate Use Poses Serious Risks

Although all recreational drug use poses certain risks, intravenous opiate use is extremely dangerous and can have serious and even life-threatening consequences.  Abuse of opiates like prescription painkillers that are typically taken orally can cause complications like gastrointestinal damage and central nervous system depression.  However, dependency on opiates like heroin that are usually injected, present […]

How Opioid Receptors Work

Opioid drugs produce a pain-numbing effect throughout the body by binding to special protein sites called opioid receptors.  These binding sites are located throughout the brain, spinal cord, and gastrointestinal tract, and control various bodily functions including movement, appetite, digestion, and sensations of pain. When opioid medications like oxycodone, Vicodin, or Percocet enter the blood […]

Opioid-Induced Itch (Pruritus)

Opioid-Induced Itch (Pruritus)

Opioid Use and Pruritus We’ve often discussed the multitude of negative side effects resulting from opiate use. While side effects can range from nausea, drowsiness, and more severe complications like gastrointestinal damage and central nervous system depression, another common side effect – especially among heroin users – is pruritus or itching. Although it is not […]

Aftercare: Choosing the Right Option

One of the most difficult steps to overcoming opiate addiction is making the commitment to a treatment program. However it is critical not to overlook the importance of aftercare options once treatment has completed. Statistics show that one year following conventional detoxification methods the vast majority of patients have relapsed.  This can be devastating as […]

Opioids, Nausea and Drowsiness

Opioid painkillers cause many adverse side effects, including itching, dry mouth, constipation, sweating, sedation, and more. But two of the most common side effects are nausea and drowsiness, which can make it very challenging for users to function normally and carry out everyday activities.  Because opioids attach to receptor sites in the brain and digestive […]

Overdoses on the Rise in US

Overdoses on the rise: The May issue of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine released a report yesterday that is gaining momentum and capturing the attention of national media outlets such as Reuters Health and US News & World Report among others due to its alarming conclusions.  One of the most startling findings was that, […]