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Stadol Withdrawal

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If the fear of withdrawal is holding you back, know that medical advances in the last decade have made it possible to manage this phase of discomfort and suffering. Many people put off seeking help for a painkiller addiction because they fear intense symptoms such as cravings, vomiting and tremors.

What is Stadol?

Stadol, is the brand name for butorphanol tartrate. The drug is available in different forms, including nasal spray and injections. It is a synthetically-derived opioid often used for post-operative pain, pre-operative pain and during labor and delivery. Regular use of this drug will affect the central nervous system which could be habit forming.
Regular use or misuse of this drug can cause addiction, overdose or even death. Also, be sure your prescribing doctor knows of any other medication you might be taking, because of possible dangerous drug interactions.

Possible Side Effects

Although Stadol works great for pain relief, especially for pregnant woman during labor, the drug has serious side effects. Some on the most common ones are:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Constipation
  • Dry mouth
  • Skin disturbances

Other more serious reported side effects are:

  • Shallow breathing or respiratory depression
  • Low blood pressure
  • Slow heart rate
  • Problems urinating
  • Confusion
  • Fainting

If you feel any of the above symptoms, please call your doctor or another medical health care emergency personnel immediately.
Furthermore, seek immediate medical attention if you have any possible signs of allergic reaction, such as:

  • Hives
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Swelling of face, lips, tongue or throat

It is crucial for your well-being that when taking this medication or any other opioid drugs, you follow the doctor’s instruction to a “T”.

Withdrawal Treatment

Waismann Method®  Opioid Treatment Specialists offer a number of different medically assisted opioid detoxification options; including rapid detox. By medically managing stadol withdrawal in a hospital, doctors can effectively eliminate most of the painful symptoms.

What is a Withdrawal Syndrome?

Withdrawal syndrome is a combination of very uncomfortable symptoms that occurs when there is a discontinuation or reduction of certain habit-forming drugs or alcohol. When the intake of opioid drugs is suddenly interrupted, there is an immediate reaction to the central nervous system, which causes a combination of side effects.
Withdrawal experience is an individual one, with symptoms ranging from mild to excruciating. This often depends on factors including the length and severity of the addiction and the patient’s biochemistry.

What to Expect with Stadol Withdrawal

Symptoms of Stadol withdrawal can set in within a few hours after the last use and persist for days or weeks. Patients who don’t know they have an addiction may respond to symptoms of withdrawal by taking another dose. In addition to strong physical and psychological cravings, withdrawal symptoms can include:

  • Agitation
  • Anxiety
  • Diarrhea
  • Weakness
  • Mood changes
  • Hallucinations
  • Dysphoria
  • Irritability
  • Profuse sweating
  • Cramps
  • Chills
  • Cold sweats
  • Insomnia
  • Confusion
  • Lack of coordination
  • Aches and pains
  • Goose bumps
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Loss of appetite
  • Headaches
  • Fever and respiratory problems.

Stadol withdrawal can be a long, painful process if not treated by responsible medical professionals. Having adequate medical support through withdrawal, also helps cut the risk of health complications including seizures, death and damage to vital organs. Remember, trying to detox “cold turkey” is dangerous, especially after prolonged use or long bouts of abuse.

There is Safe, Reliable Help for Stadol Addiction

With the Waismann Method, patients receive comprehensive physical evaluations to gauge their physical health. When rapid detox is indicated, the withdrawal phase is accelerated and occurs while the patient is under deep sedation. Patients awake opiate-free without awareness of the acute withdrawal symptoms they just went through. When our medically assisted protocol without anesthesia is used, doctors manage the symptoms and vitals, while maintaining the patient’s safety and comfortably in a private room of an accredited hospital.
Although detox is a natural process for human beings when different drugs enter our body, our system needs to work extra hard to process these chemicals. Our liver, digestive system, and kidneys fight to protect us from the drug impurities, placing our whole system on overdrive. Drugs wreak havoc to our natural systems. In other words, our bodies become exhausted and fragile to any additional stress. That is why experts agree that a medically assisted detox is often the best and safest option for those coming off drugs.
Our medically assisted treatment does not use opiate substitutes; instead, we use the most advanced opioid detox protocols to get you entirely off all opioids. Furthermore, our treatment takes just a few days compared to the months-long stay required by traditional drug rehabs. We provide patients with medications and therapies to safely and comfortably manage your symptoms of withdrawal. Our goal is to get you to an opioid-free state as fast, as safe, and as comfortable as possible.

Call us today 1-800-423-2482 to discuss the best available treatment options for you!

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