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Detoxing from Fentanyl at Home can be Dangerous

What to Expect when detoxing from Fentanyl at Home There are plenty of options to help people get through dependence on fentanyl, a potent narcotic painkiller. One of them is home detox; this can mean merely trying a fentanyl detox at home without a medical specialist’s supervision. Cold turkey detox is dangerous, especially for people […]

Duragesic Precautions

One of the most important  Duragesic precautions is that it can be habit forming and lends itself to abuse and diversion. There are many warnings and precautions outlined in the drug’s prescription label. Patients should familiarize themselves with all of them to ensure safe use. Duragesic is the transdermal patch form of fentanyl, a very […]

Duragesic Home Detox Can Be Dangerous

If you or someone you know has become dependent upon Duragesic, a narcotic painkiller, chances are it’s been difficult to get off of. Because of this, it’s important to seek qualified help to detox in a safe, comfortable manner. Duragesic offers relief from moderate to severe pain but has the potential to lead to misuse, […]

Percodan Warnings

There are a few groups of people who should stay away from opiate painkillers such as Percodan. These include people who’ve had prior issues with drug and alcohol addiction because they may be more susceptible to developing another addiction. Other groups should use extreme caution with the drug because of its potency. This includes pregnant […]

Percocet Warnings

Percocet warnings should be taken very seriously If you are taking the prescription painkiller Percocet, there are numerous warnings and precautions that should be heeded before use begins. Percocet contains oxycodone, a potent narcotic painkiller. Another ingredient is acetaminophen, a non-narcotic analgesic. This synthetic opioid is one of the most commonly prescribed painkillers, used to […]

OxyContin Warnings

All prescription opiates carry warnings that outline possible dangers associated with taking the medication. Because of their potentially addicting nature, these dangers include physical and psychological dependence, withdrawal that can be brutal and overdose. OxyContin is a particularly potent opiate (narcotic) drug meant to treat pain from cancer and other serious conditions.One of the most […]

Oxycodone Warnings

Anyone starting a new regimen of prescription painkillers should exercise caution because of various warnings and precautions outlined by manufacturers and doctors. Oxycodone is a powerful opiate (narcotic) medication doctors prescribe to treat pain. It is similar to morphine and is marketed under names including Roxicodone and OxyContin, which is time-released to control around-the-clock pain. Doctors prescribe […]

The Scary New Migraine Mistake

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  ON A LATE afternoon in April at the Head Pain Treatment Unit of Chelsea Community Hospital in Michigan, everything feels muted—window shades are drawn, and patients are speaking just above a whisper. Linda, a migraine sufferer who does not want to reveal her last name, is on day four of her detox treatment and […]

Poppy Tea Treatment for Addiction

Treating a poppy tea treatment can be quick and done without unnecessary suffering. Poppy tea is a drink brewed from the pods or seeds of the opium poppy plant. The concentration of opiates in an individual batch of tea can be highly unpredictable, leading to serious side effects including overdose. Regular use of the tea […]

Dilaudid Precautions

If a doctor has prescribed Dilaudid for you, it’s because the benefits outweigh any potential risks. Dilaudid contains hydromorphone hydrochloride and comes in liquid and tablet formula. It is meant to treat pain but can also cause feelings of sedation and euphoria. Hydromorphone is a powerful Schedule II Controlled Substance and has a high potential […]