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Tramadol Overdose

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All prescription opioids have the potential to cause overdose so it’s important to follow dosing instructions exactly. Tramadol is an opiate-like prescription drug doctors prescribe to treat moderate to severe pain. Brand names for Tramadol include Ultram and Ultram ER. The extended-release version treats moderate to severe, around-the-clock pain. Taking Tramadol in a higher dose than recommended, or altering the dose in any way can cause an overdose. This is when the body is unable to handle the amount of drug ingested. Tramadol overdose can be accidental or intentional. It can happen to those taking therapeutic levels of the drug, as well as those who use it recreationally. Taking Tramadol in conjunction with certain other substances that depress the central nervous system can also cause overdose and death. This includes alcohol, tranquilizers, prescription narcotics and illegal drugs.

What are the Signs and Treatments Available for Tramadol Overdose?

If you are taking Tramadol, it’s important to know the signs of overdose. If you or someone you know experiences any of the following symptoms while taking Tramadol seek medical attention right away. The earlier you seek help, the better the outcome may be. Signs of Tramadol overdose include extreme drowsiness, cold and clammy skin, shallow or labored breathing, slow heartbeat, extreme weakness, feeling light-headed, fainting, seizures, cardiac arrest or coma. Symptoms can vary from person to person and depend on factors including how an individual’s body responds to the drug, how much the person takes and whether they took it in combination with any other substances. A Tramadol overdose may be treated with a drug to counteract the effects. Other treatments may include induced vomiting, pumping of the stomach, and close monitoring of the breathing and heart rates.

The Waismann Method Reverses Opiate Addiction in Less Than Two Hours

In addition to overdose, Tramadol can cause physical and psychological dependence. For almost two decades Waismann Method of rapid detox has successfully and confidentially treated thousands of patients addicted to opioids. Medical professionals can reverse Tramadol dependence in less than two hours, with a total required hospital stay of just a few days. The multi-board certified medical director performs the renowned in an accredited hospital and uses intravenous medications to cleanse the Tramadol from patients’ opioid receptors. The withdrawal phase is accelerated and occurs while the patients sleeps. They awaken opiate-free without awareness of the withdrawal syndrome. We don’t use replacements such as methadone or Suboxone to treat opiate addiction. Post detox, staff transfer guests to our exclusive private recovery center, Domus Retreat. Here, patients relax, regroup and recover in a serene, private atmosphere. Therapeutic treatments including massage, individual counseling and acupuncture.

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