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International Callers Dial 1-310-205-0808

Suboxone Detox Center

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The Right Suboxone Detox Center

Choosing the best Suboxone detox center, is giant step toward long-term recovery. Suboxone is usually prescribed for the treatment of opiate addiction but causes dependency issues in a number of people who takes it. Suboxone Detox, is viewed by many in the medical community as the standard of treatment for opiate addiction.
In reality, it just keeps people tied to the cycle of dependence. To be truly free of opiate dependence and addiction, the body should be detoxed and mental and emotional deficits should be addressed. In addition, medical detox is a wise choice because doctors can keep patients safe through the withdrawal symptoms, that are usually the culprit of an immediate relapse.
Suboxone contains buprenorphine and naloxone – the buprenorphine is used toward off opiate cravings and withdrawal – and the naloxone to guard against abuse. Many people stay on Suboxone for years. Instead of prolonging the inevitable second dependency, many people are turning to detox instead of opiate replacement therapy. And those who have trouble quitting Suboxone are turning more than ever to detox.

Success With Suboxone Detox Center will Depends On Choosing the Right Facility.

Waismann Method treatment offers a humane alternative to opiate replacements. People who’ve become dependent on Suboxone need a way out, and our Suboxone Detox center is a safe, quick detox option that translates to long-term success for the majority of our patients.
Our Suboxone Detox Center and treatment program involves rapid detox in a hospital. Patients check into their private room of our accredited hospital, located in Southern California, and undergo thorough testing to assess health the proper treatment plan, based on each patient specif medical needs. Once cleared for anesthesia assisted rapid detox treatment, patients are sedated and intravenous medication is used to eliminate the physical dependency.
During this sedation, patients aren’t consciously aware that accelerated  suboxone withdrawal symptoms are developing. For most, these symptoms are gone by the time they awakens a short time later. Total hospital stay for Waismann Method’s Suboxone Detox is usually is 2 to 3 days. Patients then transition to our Domus Retreat for an additional 2 to 7 days.

Detox Aftercare is Included and Offered in the Privacy of our Exclusive Domus Retreat

Domus Retreat offers a sanctuary where clients can get the counseling and relaxation they need before returning home. This ultra-private and exclusive facility only accepts a 6 clients at a time so we can give individual attention. Services and amenities include:

  • Individual counseling
  • Nutritional therapy
  • Massage
  • Yoga
  • Meditation/relaxation
  • Beautifully appointed, private suites
  • Round-the-clock monitoring
  • Chef
  • House-keeping

One of the things we will never force patients to do is chores. Also, we don’t require the long-term commitment of 12-step participation. We aim to provide the most private, confidential and effective Suboxone detox center in the country. We don’t use shame, blame or guilt in order to coax recovery. Our patients are treated with respect, compassion and professionalism, what we we believe has become the cornerstone of our success.
For more information in our Suboxone Detox Center, call today at 1-310-205-0808

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