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Suboxone Detox Possible Complications

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When a person is addicted to Suboxone, they may not show obvious symptoms, unless they skip a dose and is beginning to go through withdrawal. Suboxone detox can be hard on the toughest of patients. This narcotic medication, used to treat opiate addiction, can be extremely difficult to get off regardless of the dose.
Suboxone contains a combination of Buprenorphine and Naloxone.  Buprenorphine is a synthetic replacement opiate, created to prevent withdrawal symptoms that accompany the quitting heroin or other opioids like heroin, Norco or Oxycodone. Naloxone blocks the effects of opioids, guarding against misuse. Suboxone is available by prescription and treatment is usually overseen by a doctor.
Suboxone decreases the intensity of opiate withdrawal by lessening symptoms and it decreases cravings that can hinder recovery.
Suboxone can be addictive in nature as well and is frequently misused.  What is meant to help patients avoid the symptoms of withdrawal often helps them avoid addressing the reason for their addiction.

Outpatient Suboxone Detox can be Very Difficult

Patients may only have to use Suboxone short term to handle the symptoms of withdrawal, while others may require a long-term regimen. Some addiction experts think opiate replacements drugs, only substitutes one addiction for another. Long-term use of Suboxone frequently results in the need for opiate detox.
A gradual decrease can help minimize symptoms of withdrawal including nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, muscle pain, irritability, fever, sweating, chills, mood changes, insomnia and drug cravings.
Untreated Suboxone withdrawal  can last for weeks, depending on severity and length of use. But with Suboxone, withdrawal symptoms tend to linger even longer. Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS) refers to a set of persistent symptoms that people suffer after completing the withdrawal process. This syndrome is especially prominent in people who are withdrawing from a long-term opioid regimen such as Suboxone or Methadone.
Symptoms of this syndrome include:

  • Mood swings
  • Lethargy
  • Insomnia
  • Extreme cravings and obsessions
  • Anxiety and panic attacks
  • Depression
  • General cognitive impairment

Inpatient Medical Suboxone Detox Minimizes Risks for Complications

Another problem that may complicate and outpatient detox process is not being able to withstand the discomfort. Patients who taper and gradually wean to a lower dose often find they aren’t able to quit the drug completely.
Suboxone® rapid detox under anesthesia is a medical procedure that eliminates most of the withdrawal symptoms, while the patient is sedated in the ICU Unit  . During the procedure the patient is given medication intravenously, to induce and speed the Suboxone withdrawal in approximately 40 to 90 minutes. Following the procedure, patients sleep through the night  under direct medical supervision.
Programs such as Waismann Method treatment minimizes Suboxone detox possible complications .In most cases the total hospital stay is 2 to 3 days, with an additional 2 to 7 days at  Domus Retreat recovery center, for continue care through the transitional period of physical and mental regulations.
Many people want to be completely free of opiate dependence, without having to stay strapped to replacement medication. Suboxone dependency can go on for years. To stop the cycle now, choose responsibly when deciding on the right Suboxone detox program.

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