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International Callers Dial 1-310-205-0808

Demerol Warnings and Abuse

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Before starting therapeutic treatment with Demerol or any other opiates, it’s important to be aware of all warnings and precautions that pertain to the drug. Demerol used to be a very popular treatment to manage pain but has fallen out of favor somewhat as serious side effects and issues have been reported over the years. Demerol has a significant potential to lead to misuse, abuse and illegal diversion. Those who have a prior history with drug or alcohol addiction should certainly avoid Demerol or other narcotic prescription medications. It’s important that patients tell their doctors about all medications, supplements and herbs they are taking. Demerol depresses the central nervous system and can react dangerously with substances that share this same effect. These include alcohol, tranquilizers, sedatives, sleeping pills, muscle relaxers and other opiates.

Demerol Warnings include Overdose, Addiction and Withdrawal

Other, safer opiates are available so Demerol is not prescribed as much as it used to be. Serious Demerol warning include, severe respiratory depression, overdose and death have been reported. These risks are elevated among people who use Demerol for recreational reasons. Taking more Demerol than what’s prescribed is never a good idea. This also goes for taking the drug more often than is recommended. Purposely mixing Demerol with other substances to heighten effects or experience a “high” can be deadly. Demerol can cause dizziness and feelings of dizziness, possibly making tasks like driving more dangerous. It can also lead to an increased risk of falls among elderly patients. Physical and psychological dependence are very real concerns for people taking Demerol or other opiates for any extended period of time. A tolerance can develop, meaning that increasingly larger amounts need to be taken for patients to experience effects. An escalation of use can lead rapidly to physical addiction, which causes a difficult withdrawal period when use is stopped suddenly. Professional detox is needed to help patients safely and comfortably recover from Demerol addiction.

Rapid Demerol Detox Can Get Patients Back on Their Feet Quickly

Waismann Method’s rapid opiate detox takes less than two hours and uses intravenous medicine to effectively cleanse Demerol from patients’ opiate receptors. During this, patients rest comfortably under general deep sedation while the procedure is performed in a hospital. Our caring and supportive medical staff monitors patients around the clock and our procedure speeds up withdrawal. When patients awaken, they aren’t consciously aware that they have already experienced withdrawal. Symptoms develop and pass while patients are sedated. This takes the fear and suffering out of withdrawal and gives patients the peace of mind they need to proceed with recovery. Our total hospital stay is 3 to 6 days, not weeks or months like so many other Demerol treatment programs. We also offer transitional living in our Domus Retreat aftercare facility for those patients who choose to extend recovery.

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