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Fentanyl Precautions- Abuse, Addiction & Detox Treatment

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When Fentanyl Precautions are Ignored, Abuse and Addiction are a Risk.

Fentanyl precautions and warnings must be strictly adhered to in order to avoid problems. The potency of this drug makes it a target for abuse and illegal diversion. Fentanyl is a potent narcotic painkiller marketed as the Duragesic transdermal patch and Actiq, a solid lollipop version of the drug. The only people who should use fentanyl are those who hold a legitimate prescription for persistent, chronic pain. The right doctor will take into account many factors before prescribing this drug. These include the type and severity of pain, the patient’s history with opiates, size and weight, whether patients are taking any other substances and medical background.
Fentanyl is extremely dangerous when used recreationally or abused in any manner. Patients who are not already tolerant to opiates could overdose if they use fentanyl.

Before Beginning Therapy with Fentanyl

Another serious Fentanyl precaution to watch for, is an allergic reaction to the drug. Symptoms can include rash, itching, hives, dizziness, trouble breathing and swelling. Fentanyl can also interact with other medications and substances so it’s important to tell your doctor about everything you’re taking, including supplements and vitamins. One of the chief hazards of fentanyl is its ability to cause respiratory distress. This is even more of a concern for patients who are elderly or debilitated. It is considered a central nervous system depressant, an effect that can be worsened when fentanyl is combined with other substances that have this effect. These include alcohol, other opiates, tranquilizers, sedatives and some antidepressants. The biggest precautions and risks involved with the use of fentanyl include physical and psychological dependence, overdose and withdrawal.

Fentanyl Addiction and Abuse

When your Fentanyl use starts to become out of control,  you have to worry about addiction.  A Fentanyl addiction comes after physical dependence is created. Fentanyl will slowly displace & replace the natural endorphins, making it tough for the mind and body to keep functioning without the drug.
There are  signs that you might have become addicted to the drug, that can include:

  • Not always capable, of making proper judgments
  • Difficulty in finding pleasure from daily occurrences
  • Taking large doses of the drug for an extended period
  • Doctor shopping

Apart from affecting people emotionally, Fentanyl addiction can be very physically harmful. If you think yourself or someone you love might be addicted to Fentanyl, here are some of the physical symptoms.
These can include:

  • Constipation
  • Confusion
  • Nausea
  • Sedation
  • Tolerance,
  • Drowsiness.
  • In the worst cases, Fentanyl addiction can lead to overdose where respiratory depression occurs.

Withdrawal Symptoms

Many Fentanyl abusers, begin seeking treatment after they have tried unsuccessfully to detox on. The most common problem is that the pain of withdrawal can become too much for the person to bear and sometimes even risky. Based on age, health and other factors the withdrawal process might be not medically indicated.
Here are a few withdrawal symptoms one might experience if addicted to Fentanyl:

  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Vomiting
  • Insomnia
  • Increased heart rate
  • Fatigue
  • Diarrhea
  • Twitching
  • Muscle pain cramps
  • Sweating

Fentanyl Detox Treatment

Waismann Method has treated thousands of people who have become dependent upon their opiate medications including fentanyl. Patients fly from all over the world into our exclusive location in So. California, because they seek the best treatment for Fentanyl addiction available. They realize our unparalleled expertise in the field of opiate dependence and addiction. We are worldwide known for our safe, effective and private fentanyl treatment.
Our rapid opiate detox occurs in the safety of a full service accredited hospital, where intravenous medications are given while patients are lightly sedated.
The rapid detox treatment usually takes less than two hours and pass while patients are sleeping. Our compassionate process allows patients to skip mostly the worst of the painful withdrawal and move forward with recovery. Other Fentanyl medical detoxification options can be offered and discussed with patients. The highest quality Fentanyl detoxification treatment centers are those who look at the patient as an individual, to determine the best course of action. Patients are assisted and supervised closely by an outstanding medical staff while resting in their private rooms.
The total hospital stay is on average 2 to 4 days followed by a short stay at our exclusive recovery center, where therapies may include counseling, biofeedback, massage and nutritional support.
Waismann Fentanyl detox is for those that only want the best opiate treatment available. Is for those who superior medical care, privacy, and compassion is a must.

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