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WAISMANN METHOD® Director Urges Physicians to Curb Hydrocodone Prescriptions

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BEVERLY HILLS, Calif., Feb. 4, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — Following recommendations from an advisory panel to the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) proposing tighter restrictions on hydrocodone drugs, for example Vicodin, Norco and Lortab, Clare Waismann , registered addiction specialist and administrative director for the WAISMANN METHOD ® opiate treatment, is urging doctors nationwide to practice restraint in prescribing these medications due to their highly-addictive chemical nature.
“Although I applaud the FDA for considering tighter restrictions on hydrocodone-combination drugs, medical professionals also need to take greater ownership and responsibility for the rampant prescribing and misuse of prescription painkillers in this country,” said Waismann. “It’s unfortunately become common practice for some doctors to overprescribe hydrocodone drugs and write prescriptions for minor pains, like back aches or tooth pain. Hydrocodone is dangerously habit forming and just as addictive as narcotics like morphine and Heroin. By overprescribing prescription painkillers, physicians are putting their patients at risk for developing serious, and sometimes fatal, health issues that could have otherwise been avoided.”
The new restrictions would reclassify all hydrocodone-containing drugs from schedule III to schedule II; one of the most restricted categories for prescription medications, which currently includes drugs like oxycodone and methadone. According to IMS Health, approximately 131 million prescriptions were written for hydrocodone in 2010, making it the most broadly prescribed drug in the U.S. Data collected by WAISMANN METHOD ® revealed a similar trend, as the majority of patients surveyed indicated they started with a hydrocodone-based prescription that eventually led them to take a stronger drug, like oxycodone. In 2012, WAISMANN METHOD ® treated nearly the same number of patients for addiction to Norco, a hydrocodone-combination drug, as it did for Heroin, OxyContin or methadone patients. Furthermore, many patients said they were given a prescription for a minor injury and subsequently became addicted unintentionally.
“The fact that hydrocodone abuse and overdoses have reached epidemic proportions should be a warning sign for those of us in the medical community and our patients about just how dangerous these drugs are,” added WAISMANN METHOD ® medical director, Dr. Michael Lowenstein . “We sometimes have the misconception that simply because something is prescribed or commonly used, that it is safe. In the case of hydrocodone drugs, with their potential for abuse, overdose, and even death, this couldn’t be further from the truth.”
For more information about WAISMANN METHOD ® treatment please visit opiates.com.

About WAISMANN METHOD ® Treatment

WAISMANN METHOD ® opiate treatment is a safe and proven protocol for opiate dependency that utilizes the most advanced medical and psychological techniques available. Together Michael H. Lowenstein M.D ., Clifford Bernstein M.D . and Clare Waismann , Registered Addiction Specialist (RAS) created a treatment protocol based on a foundation of safety, success and respect.  Our detoxification and aftercare programs are customized to each patient’s individual needs and dependency history, combining the most advanced medical treatment with personalized assessment and aftercare. From rapid opiate detoxification under sedation, to medically assisted detoxification and other forms of treatment at Domus Retreat, our doctors, therapists and staff work with patients to create personalized treatment and aftercare plans that ensure a healthy and effective transition to life without opiates.  WAISMANN METHOD ® patients achieve an extraordinarily high success rate because the treatment doesn’t take a cookie cutter approach to addressing opiate dependency. We always put treatment and care over blame and punishment.  For more information, please visit opiates.com.

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