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RTL Interview with Waismann Method Domus Retreat

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RTL Interview with Waismann Method – Domus Retreat

RTL Television (formerly RTL plus), other referred to as RTL, is a German commercial television network distributed via cable, satellite, and digital terrestrial (DVB-T2) in highly populated areas. Moreover, the RTL Group, Germany’s largest private free-to-air broadcaster owns RTL. RTL interviews Clare Waismann for a segment on opioids in Hollywood. Clare Waismann, CATC, is a Certified Addiction Treatment Counselor and the Founder of the Waismann Method of Advanced Treatment of Opiate Dependence and Domus Retreat. For this reason the interview takes place at the Waismann Method’s Domus Retreat.

VOX-Prominent Weekend; 03.12.2017 RTL Inerview with Waismann Method

Opioid addiction is an epidemic in the U.S. and it is becoming a crisis internationally. Consequently almost 100 people lose their life to an opioid overdose daily. As a result an increasing amount of users are seeking effective treatment options to save their life. Fortunately, the Waismann Method Medical Group offers a highly effective, quick and comfortable detoxification treatment. Our Anesthesia Assisted Detox program assists patients to overcome this difficult phase in a safe, private and medical environment.
We created this unique detox program to help those people whose previous treatment has not given them a fair opportunity to be genuinely opiate free. Patients have a private room of our accredited hospital before, during and after medical detoxification for a total of 2-4 days. After the hospital, patients remain a few more days in our private recovery center, Domus Retreat. At Domus Retreat, they receive around the clock assistance through the regulation and adaptation period. This additional support is crucial for stability and success.
Watch the RTL interview with Waismann Method to learn more.

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