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Healing During Opiate Withdrawal

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Most people have some idea of what to expect during opiate withdrawal. Likely, they’ve heard tales of horrendous suffering from others who’ve gone through it. What they may not realize, however, is that it doesn’t have to be this way. There are options for professional opiate detox that can minimize suffering and increase the odds for long-term recovery.
Opiates have been prized historically for their ability to control pain. Coming off of them can be difficult, however, once a person becomes dependent. Essentially, this means that people who need long-term therapy with opiates such as OxyContin will become physically dependent and experience withdrawal if they try to stop. For some people, relatively short-term use can lead to physical dependency. A person who is opiate addicted will experience both physical and psychological withdrawal.

What Are The Symptoms Of Opiate Withdrawal?

Opiate withdrawal syndrome can include a host of symptoms including:

  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Shaking or tremors
  • Chills
  • Muscle and bone pain
  • Severe cravings
  • Agitation
  • Insomnia

Opiate Treatment Programs Can Help To Minimize Suffering During Withdrawal

Being prepared for opiate withdrawal is important. Choosing the right treatment is also essential because many programs offer some form of withdrawal management. For instance, a traditional detox program may manage withdrawal symptoms with pharmaceuticals and therapy. Opiate replacement therapy can eliminate a harsh withdrawal by switching patients to opiate medications such as methadone or Suboxone, which are thought to be less risky. Rapid opiate detox uses a medical procedure with intravenous medication to eliminate the physical dependence. Withdrawal can happen while patients are anesthetized.

What You Can Do To Boost Your Healing During Opiate Withdrawal

Opiate withdrawal can take a toll on you physically, emotionally and psychologically. Many people who take opiates have underlying health issues, such as chronic pain. Many people who become addicted have ignored their health and may have issues such as organ damage. A medically-based detox program can help to ensure safety, comfort and health during this time.
Taking these steps can help to maximize your own health during detox:

  • Rest
  • Relaxation
  • Proper Nutrition
  • Plenty of fluids
  • Dietary supplements
  • Hot baths

Rest and relaxation may be difficult for some people in withdrawal, but there are plenty of ways to achieve these, such as gentle exercise, stretching, yoga and meditation. Nutrition and nutritional supplementation can help restore imbalances within the body. Vomiting and diarrhea during withdrawal can lead to dehydration so fluids are essential to avoid this. The most important thing is that you have the right information and support once you make the decision to detox from opiates.

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