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Buprenorphine Precautions

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Safe pain management is possible and has become such an issue as more and more cases of opiate abuse, addiction and fatal overdose have been reported. All medications in the opiate class, including buprenorphine, carry certain warnings and precautions because of their potency and potential to lead to problems. Buprenorphine can be used for pain management but is most often used as an “opiate replacement” therapy to treat opiate addiction. Suboxone and Subutex contain buprenorphine and are used to prevent withdrawal symptoms for those people who stop taking opiates they’ve become addicted to.

Things All Patients Should Know Before Taking Buprenorphine

Patients should read the drug’s label closely and speak to a doctor about any allergies or potential drug interactions. Being up front about all medications and substances you take is important to avoid complications. Buprenorphine depresses the central nervous system and when combined with other substances that have this effect can be dangerous, even fatal. These include antidepressants, alcohol, other opiates, sedatives, tranquilizers and sleeping pills. Patients should also tell doctors about over-the-counter medications, vitamins and supplements they are taking. Health problems that should be mentioned include: enlarged prostate, head injuries, Addison’s disease, hallucinations, curved spine, gallbladder disease, stomach problems and diseases of other organs. Buprenorphine can cause dizziness, lightheadedness and fainting when getting up too quickly from a sitting position.

Opiate Replacements Such as Buprenorphine Can Also Cause Dependency

Even though buprenorphine is used to treat opiate addiction, it can be habit forming with prolonged use. Patients may become dependent upon buprenorphine, which necessitates a professional, medical detox. Waismann Method has served the international community for more than a decade, providing detox for opiates such as OxyContin, Percocet, heroin and fentanyl. We’ve also experienced an increase in the number of cases of addiction to opiate replacements such as Suboxone, Subutex and methadone. Our rapid opiate detox happens in the safety of a hospital where patients can be monitored around the clock. Special intravenous medications are given to patients to cleanse the buprenorphine from their opiate receptors. This procedure takes less than two hours and patients awaken a short time later from deep sedation, free of all opiate addiction. Patients usually stay in the hospital 3 to 6 days and can be discharged after our medical staff decides they are ready. From there, they can return home to their lives, families and careers. Some may choose to extend recovery in our supportive and discreet Domus Retreat. This tranquil getaway allows patients to regroup and recover while relaxing with therapies including biofeedback, massage and counseling.

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