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Vicodin Addiction

Causes of Vicodin Addiction

Vicodin addiction is often caused by either a long-term intake of Vicodin or compulsive use. Either case may lead to dependence and addiction, which is progressive in nature. Vicodin is a commonly prescribed opiate painkiller made up of hydrocodone and paracetamol (acetaminophen). Vicodin is typically prescribed for moderate to severe pain. It also has antitussive properties, which means it works to suppress a chronic cough. Addiction to Vicodin is marked by withdrawal symptoms, which occur after an individual tries to stop after prolonged use. Hydrocodone binds to the pain receptors in the brain, working to reduce sensations of pain. Acetaminophen halts the production of prostaglandins, which otherwise cause pain.

Dependence and addiction can be both physical and psychological in nature. Vicodin is classified as a Schedule III controlled substance in the U.S. According to the U.S. government, this classification means Vicodin can cause physical or psychological dependence if misused or abused. The 2016 National Study on Drug Use and Health reported that an estimated 28.6 million Americans age 12 and overused illegal drugs in the month before the study. That means roughly 1 in 10 people struggle with some level of substance use, including addiction to prescription drugs.

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Signs of Vicodin Addiction

  • Is Vicodin addictive? Patients develop a tolerance to Vicodin after prolonged use, which requires them to take more to stop the pain. Addiction to Vicodin is marked by the often intense withdrawal when a person tries to stop taking it.

    The following are some of the symptoms of Vicodin withdrawal:

    • muscle and bone pain
    • insomnia
    • restlessness
    • diarrhea
    • vomiting
    • other flu-like symptoms and involuntary leg movements.

    Another sign of Vicodin addiction is the escalation of use and the compulsion to seek out and consume the drug. An additional tell-tale sign of Vicodin addiction is a strong craving for the drug. Taking more Vicodin is the only way to soothe the craving.

How to Prevent Vicodin Addiction

Using any opiate-based drug may lead to addiction over time. The best way to avoid this is to do your homework when it comes to drugs. Learn their side effects, warnings, and directions for use. Taking Vicodin exactly as prescribed is critical to avoiding addiction.

Vicodin ® is available in tablet, capsule, and liquid form and is taken every 4-6 hours by mouth. Hydrocodone can be habit-forming. For this reason, care must be taken to follow the doctor’s instructions when taking Vicodin ®. Please do not take a larger dose, take it more frequently, or take it longer than a doctor has prescribed.

It is up to each individual to weigh Vicodin addiction’s possible dangers when considering alternatives for pain management. If you are worried about developing a dependence or addiction to Vicodin, talk to your doctor about options. If you are already experiencing symptoms of addiction, there are treatment programs available. However, not all programs are created equal. Certain treatment methods have proven to be more effective than others.

Contact us and learn more about the best treatment options available for you!

Waismann Method for Rapid Detox of Vicodin

The Waismann Method of rapid detox is a world-renowned rapid detox program for those addicted to Vicodin and other drugs. The program has attracted much press and acclaim for its success rate in treating opiate dependency and prescription drug addiction. The Waismann Method has established a Vicodin treatment program in Orange County, California. A fully-accredited hospital administers the program, monitoring patients around the clock.

During this rapid detox treatment, patients sleep comfortably under sedation. During this time, medications cleanse the opiates from their opiate receptors. Accelerated withdrawal symptoms occur within hours instead of days, as with traditional methods. Patients are no longer physically dependent on opiates once they wake up. They are unaware of the withdrawal that occurred during the procedure.

Another feature setting our program apart from others is the humane way in which we approach treatment. We treat our patients as the unique individuals they are. We take into account any underlying issues, special needs, or individual risk factors. Our patients leave our facility rested, recovered, and with their dignity intact.

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