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How Opioid Use Can Lead to Kidney Damage: What You Need to Know

doctor holding digital image of kidneys to illustrate how opioids can cause kidney damage

Opioid use is a well-known crisis affecting millions of people worldwide, but beyond the immediate dangers of addiction and overdose, opioids can also cause significant long-term damage to vital organs, including the kidneys. Understanding the connection between opioid use and kidney damage is crucial for anyone using these medications, whether prescribed or otherwise. In this […]

Antidepressant and Opioid Drug Interactions

closeup of man pouring prescription pills into hand risking drug interactions between opioids and antidepressants

Patients who take antidepressants and opioids together can experience serious health risks. Despite that risk, doctors co-prescribed the two drug types in over 17 million office visits between 2013 and 2014, according to a 2018 study from Drug, Healthcare, and Patient Safety. New research has shed more light on the dangerous consequences of these drug […]