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International Callers Dial 1-310-205-0808

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International Callers Dial 1-310-205-0808

My deepest gratitude and appreciation

This letter comes to you with my deepest gratitude and appreciation. You gave me my life back and words cannot express this. Dr. Bernstein, you are a very kind and caring man who saved my life. If there is anything I can ever do, please know I am willing in any and every way. Your staff treated me with the utmost respect and kindness. I flew home a day early and my husband was there waiting for me. He could see in my eyes and my attitude that the woman he married was back. My head is clear, eyes sparkle with delight, and I have no desire what so ever to take another Vicodin or any other form of opiates again.

We have a very dear friend who was in an auto accident in 1992, and has been on Vicodin ever since then. I phoned him last week and told him of my experience with you. I will be phoning the counselor as part of my program within a few days.

Thanks again,

Detox Patient