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Roxycontin Side Effects

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Many people use the name “Roxycontin” on the street to refer to OxyContin or to refer to another prescription opiate medication, Roxicodone. These contain oxycodone which is an effective pain reliever but can lead to problems including side effects, addiction, withdrawal, and overdose.
Certainly, most people who take any kind of prescription medication face the reality of side effects. Side effects are rarely the same for patients. Moreover, their experience can depend on a number of factors including the dosage taken, the individual person and his or her body chemistry and length of use. In many cases, side effects appear shortly after patients begin therapy. Many times these side effects pass once the body becomes accustomed to having the drug in the system. For example, symptoms can include dry mouth, constipation, drowsiness, dizziness and sleep problems. Side effects can change over time, dissipate or become more intense. Most importantly, if side effects worsen, immediately report to a doctor.

“Roxycontin” Side Effects

Oxycodone medications can be taken safely and are effective for most people. Side effects can be annoying and in some cases, can be more serious. For instance, constipation is one of the most commonly reported side effects by patients on prescription painkiller therapy. Others can include:

  • Sedation or euphoria
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Drowsiness
  • Skin Rashes
  • Abdominal pain
  • Lightheadedness
  • Weakness
  • Headaches
  • Constipation
  • Visual disturbances and hallucinations.

Opiates are considered controlled substances in the U.S. and can lead to misuse, abuse, and addiction. It’s important that patients pay close attention to instructions on use in order to avoid serious problems. Patients are rarely at fault for becoming dependent upon their medication. These medications can easily build up in the body, causing the development of a tolerance. This means the drug’s effects become diminished and patients must take more and more of the medication. Oxycodone addiction has become a serious problem but is treatable with the right course of action.

Thorough Medical Detox Can Rid Patients of Oxycodone Addiction Quickly

In less than two hours, Waismann Method can rid patients of their addiction to oxycodone medications. We base our opiate treatment on science and medicine, not spirituality or the 12-step model. So many programs are available to address opiate addiction but stop short of providing the kind of thorough detox that promotes long-term recovery. We start with pre-testing to rule out possible underlying medical issues and follow up with medically-based detox in a hospital. After this, we offer post detox care at our Domus Retreat recovery center.
First, our medical detox begins with intravenous medications used to cleanse the drug from patients’ opiate receptors. Our procedure takes just over an hour and we require a hospital stay of 2 to 4 days. During the procedure, patients are lightly sedated and awaken without awareness they experienced the accelerated withdrawal. Speeding up withdrawal minimizes the symptoms, providing the most comfortable detox for patients. We also don’t use opiate replacements such as methadone or Suboxone to gradually wean patients.

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