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Methadone Addiction Facts

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The Real Facts About Methadone Addiction

Methadone is a long-acting drug that blocks the euphoric effects and sedative properties of opiates such as heroin and OxyContin. It also blunts the craving, which helps to reduce the chances for a relapse, and reduces symptoms of opiate withdrawal.
Methadone maintenance programs were instituted in the U.S. in the 1960s as an answer to the problem of opiate abuse. These programs allow participants to receive a controlled dosage of methadone in a clinic setting.
This drug was thought to have less potential for abuse and addiction than so called “harder” drugs. The problem with methadone addiction is twofold. First, it ends up being a long-term solution. Many people linger in these maintenance programs for years. Second, people can become dependent upon methadone, requiring them to seek alternative methods of opiate treatment.

Methadone Maintenance Programs May Not Be The Best Option For You

The Nazis developed this synthetic narcotic in 1937 during World War II because the supply of opium was cut off. It has since become a popular opiate treatment method in the U.S. for people who don’t want to go through opiate withdrawal. Many people have said methadone withdrawal, which can last a month or longer, is much more intense than heroin withdrawal, which lasts a week or so.
Methadone is not a “cure” for opiate addiction. It legally helps patients trade one addiction for another. There is plenty to consider if you are dependent upon opiates and searching for a safe, responsible option to get you opiate free. These include:

  • Methadone addiction can be swift. Remember, you are transitioning off other opiates so your brain and body are used to being supplied in this way.
  • People who have suffered with opiate addiction have suffered enough. They deserve to be completely free of these insidious drugs.
  • Those addicted to methadone may be better served by checking out treatment methods that offer both opiate detox and an aftercare program.
  • There is a physical and psychological side of methadone addiction that needs to be addressed in order to have a successful detox.
  • Without the right medical detox, patients are unfortunately subject to methadone relapse.
  • Traditional opiate detoxification programs can help patients gradually reduce their dosage of methadone and may offer withdrawal assistance with medication. Counseling is also a part of many of these programs.
  • Rapid opiate detox is another option that’s been gaining ground for the last several years. Patients can complete a physical detox in a matter of hours. To be safe, this procedure should always be completed in a hospital and followed by aftercare.
  • You may feel completely hopeless and helpless if you’re suffering with methadone addiction. You can recover completely and go on to enjoy a full, productive and opiate-free life.

Choosing the right methadone detox center can make the difference between success and painful failure. Waismann Method®, which pioneered the procedure in the late 90s, has established a rigorous safety protocol for the treatment of Methadone addiction under sedation. We have treated some of the highest doses in the world.
Over the course of almost two decades we’ve performed more thousands of rapid detox procedures, and we’ve refined the process of anesthesia detox to maximize the safety and efficacy. Waismann Method® rapid detox treatment under sedation involves careful administration of medications to reverse the physiological dependence on Methadone while the symptoms of withdrawal are addressed.
Call us today at 310-2050808, and ask us how we can help you put an end to your methadone addiction in a safe and humane way.

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