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Doctors Responsible for Painkiller Addiction and Overdose?

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A common belief is that opiate abusers get most – if not all – of the drugs they use from family members, friends or dealers. A new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that’s not true- at least, not for those who wind up overdosing on opiates and opioids. According to the CDC report — about 27% of those most likely to overdose actually get their medications from prescribing physicians. The implications are both startling and clear: More and more often, doctors who prescribe opiates and opioids like prescription painkillers are making those prescribing decisions based on the symptoms the patient is experiencing, and not on an understanding of the whole patient.

CDC says prescribing practices are contributing to painkiller addiction and opiate overdoses

“This finding underscores the need for prevention efforts that focus on physicians’ prescribing behaviors and patients at highest risk for overdose,” states the release issued by the CDC following its report.
Current prescribing behaviors probably have a lot to do with the fact that today, doctors are busier than ever. The shift toward the corporatizing of medicine has resulted in increased scheduling demands to decrease the number of time doctors have to really get to know their patients. As a result, the emphasis has shifted more toward ameliorating symptoms without a clear understanding of other underlying issues. Ironically, patients are the ones who end up suffering from this type of prescribing approach.
Most patients who misuse painkillers or illegal drugs do so to deal with deep emotional and psychological pain. That’s not to diminish the physical symptoms; emotional and psychological pain can and does intensify physical discomfort. But treating one without treating the other is an ineffective solution that can result in continued drug use and even overdose.
At the Waismann Method®, we offer private and dignified treatment that focuses on the root causes of dependency, including chronic pain, feelings of anxiety, loneliness, isolation, and even rejection that can develop among those who abuse painkillers.
The aim of Waismann Detox™ is to lay the groundwork for the successful reversal of painkiller addiction and dependency by providing state-of-the-art medical detoxification, rapid detox and additional treatments within an environment that’s designed to be safe and supportive. With two facilities combined, including a private full service accredited hospital and the Domus Retreat where the roots of dependency can be assessed and treated. The program is aimed at eliminating the unnecessary suffering of withdrawal while providing round-the-clock care and personal attention based on patients’ unique needs.
Patients receive individualized attention and custom-tailored programs aimed specifically at helping them surmount their own personal challenges while becoming healthier and stronger so they can begin a happy, productive and healthy life.
If you have a loved one who’s suffering from painkiller addiction and opiate dependency, the Waismann Method® can help. For more information on choosing an opiate detox program contact our office directly at 1-800-423-2482
Email us today at info@opiates.com to learn more.

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