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International Callers Dial 1-310-205-0808

Darvocet Rehab

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Getting your life back on track can be accomplished once you make the commitment to seek Darvocet rehab. Drug rehab, or rehabilitation, is the set of programs and services available to treat physical and/or psychological addiction. An addiction to Darvocet can progress and cause dire ramifications that affect relationships, finances, careers and health. It doesn’t have to be this way. The Waismann Method has a premiere Darvocet rehab that thoroughly medically detox patients while they are under top medical care. So many other programs offer a narrow approach to rehab, treating either physical or psychological aspects. Other programs require long-term, even lifelong commitments. What makes us different is our entire approach. The cornerstones of our Darvocet treatment program are safety, compassion, privacy and success.

Waismann Method: Safe and Compassionate Darvocet Detox

Our anesthesia assisted rapid detox procedure, takes less than two hours using intravenous medications to cleanse Darvocet from patients’ opiate receptors. The withdrawal phase is accelerated and occurs while patients are under light sedation. They awake opiate-free and are usually unaware of the accelerated withdrawal that occurred while they were asleep. They are closely monitored for a few days and are given a prescription for a daily dose of the opioid antagonist Naltrexone for up to a year. Our safety standards are unparalleled. Unlike some other programs, the Waismann Method never sends you home or to a hotel to recover. We don’t make our clients feel guilty or shameful about their problem. Other programs can keep you tied to the addiction, labeling you an addict for life. They can require lifetime membership. We treat the individual based on his or her unique needs. We don’t have a one-size-fits-all approach to addiction. We pride ourselves on being humane, compassionate and supportive.

Privacy and Success of Waismann Method is Unparalleled in the Field

We know our clients want results quickly so they can return to their lives and careers as soon as possible. Most want privacy and discretion during this time and we make every effort to provide this. Private rooms are offered to patients during their hospital stay and if they choose to continue recovery in our transitional recovery facility, Domus Retreat. Programs can also be individualized so your privacy is not compromised. Most people want to be in and out of Darvocet rehab quickly so employers, neighbors and friends don’t have to know. Waismann Method makes that possible. We achieve success with our rapid detox by effectively managing the withdrawal symptoms which are notoriously painful with opiates. Many programs overlook the management of withdrawal, making clients sweat it out and suffer. Withdrawal is accelerated while patients are under sedation to ensure safety and comfort. Eliminating a painful withdrawal helps patients to better focus on their recovery and guards against relapse. We view Darvocet addiction as a central nervous system disorder caused by continuous opiate intake. And our scientific approach to addiction applies to everyone – we don’t box you in by pushing a religious agenda. When safety, compassion, privacy and success matter, Waismann Method is here.

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