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Opiate Abuse

Opiate Abuse and Addiction

Opiate abuse of prescription painkillers and heroin is on the rise in the U.S. The number of prescriptions written for opiates such as OxyContinDemerolPercocet and Vicodin have steadily increased in recent years and experts see a direct correlation between this and the incidents of abuse. People may choose to take these medications for recreational use to experience the feelings of euphoria or sedation they can produce. Others may receive a legitimate prescription for opiate painkillers and experience the development of tolerance. At the onset of tolerance, many choose to escalate use because they experience less effect at their current dose. The abuse of opiates can include taking more than recommended, taking the medication more often than recommended or combining it with other substances to heighten the effects. Other examples of abuse could include crushing, chewing or otherwise tampering with the medication to induce rapid release of potent ingredients.

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Opioid Painkillers

Due of their potency and easy access, opiates have great potential for abuse and addiction. They can be illegally diverted from hospitals, pharmacies and patients with legitimate prescriptions. People can also illegally sell and trade them on the black market. Opiate abuse can have devastating physical, psychological, legal and societal consequences. Abuse is very dangerous and the risks include addiction, respiratory depression, overdose and death.

Opiates are central nervous system depressants so taking them with other substances that have this effect can cause dangerous side effects or death. These other substances include alcohol, tranquilizers, some sleep medication and other narcotics. Opiate abuse is any action that directly goes against a doctor’s instructions or the directions on the medication. Each prescription is accompanied by instructions on proper use, which spells out warnings, side effects and dangers of abuse. It’s important that these instructions be followed exactly to avoid serious problems.

Waismann Method’s Opiate Detox Takes Less Than Two Hours

Abuse can quickly lead to opiate addiction. The Waismann Method offers professional medical detox for opiate abuse that is safe, effective, humane and confidential. In just a few days, we can rid you of your reliance on prescription painkillers or heroin. Our rapid opiate detox takes place in a hospital where medical staff monitors patients around the clock. Intravenous medications are used to cleanse the opiates from patients’ opiate receptors. They sleep lightly under deep sedation during this and awaken without the awareness they experienced an accelerated withdrawal.

We don’t encourage the development of a second dependency by using opiate replacement drugs such as Suboxone or methadone to wean patients. In fact, we help detox patients who’ve received this therapy and became dependent upon it. Our total hospital stay is 2 to 4 days and includes medical tests, the opiate detox and post-monitoring. We also offer our Domus Retreat transitional living facility for those who wish to extend their recovery. Therapies include massage, counseling and biofeedback. Waismann Method and Domus Retreat also protect privacy at all costs.

Call us today at 310-205-0808 for more information on the most effective and humane treatment for opiate abuse available.

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