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Oxycodone Detox Myths

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People who suffer with Oxycodone addiction often feel that they are alone, will suffer alone and will have to go through detox alone. The addiction experience can be an isolating one, but there is never a shortage of people who care. Getting the right treatment takes some research, but there are a number of programs that can help you toward a safe, comfortable recovery. Is important to understand the reality and what are the Oxycodone detox myths.

Breaking Down the Oxycodone Detox Myths And Stereotypes

Opiate addiction is a national epidemic and many people are resistant to treatment efforts. This is often due to the fear and myths that surround the condition. Debunking those myths is important so people know what to expect during detox.
Here are a few:
MYTH: Self-detox is a safe option when trying to kick Oxycodone addiction.
TRUTH: Trying to quit Oxycodone on your own can be dangerous and painful. Patients are rarely successful in this pursuit, and many relapse when opiate withdrawal overpowers them.
MYTH: The only detox option is inpatient care that lasts weeks or months.
TRUTH: Rapid opiate detox can eliminate the physical Oxycodone dependency in a few days, followed by a recovery retreat to aid in stabilization phase.
MYTH: I can become free of opiate addiction by taking Suboxone or Methadone.
TRUTH: These replacement medications are opiates as well, and some people stay on them for years. It’s not at all uncommon for people to become dependent on these drugs, resulting in the need for opiate detox.
MYTH: There is no way around Oxycodone withdrawal, which always involves suffering.
TRUTH: Rapid opiate detox is an option that can eliminate most of the withdrawal symptoms while patients are deeply sedated in a hospital. Detoxing no longer has to be equated with suffering. Other forms of detox can manage withdrawal symptoms with medication to make you more comfortable.
MYTH: A physical detox from Oxycodone is all that’s needed if a person is addicted.
TRUTH: Once patients are no longer physically dependent, there will likely be psychological, mental and emotional symptoms that linger. These can be sorted out in an opiate aftercare program that includes therapy and behavior modification.

You Can Recover From Oxycodone Addiction And Get On With A Productive Life

If you are addicted to Oxycodone, the first step on the road to recovery is choosing a safe and effective opiate detox program. There are plenty of options to choose from; but you will want to consider factors such as accreditation, facility, experience and reputation of the treatment center.
Once you’ve made the choice to get better, you will soon realize that life can be so much more than it is now. Recovery is worth it. Your family and friends are worth it and you are absolutely worth it.
Call us today and ask what options we have to offer 310-205-0808

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