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International Callers Dial 1-310-205-0808

Understanding Opioid Narcotics: Risks, Treatment, and Recovery

Closeup photo of an encyclopedia page turned to term "Narcotics" and its definition

Opioid narcotics, potent substances used for pain management, have become a focal point of public health discussions due to their high potential for addiction and overdose. This page delves into the world of opioids, exploring their uses, risks, treatment options, and the path to recovery. We aim to equip you with knowledge, dispel myths, and […]

The Hidden Dangers of Mixing Benzodiazepines and Opiates

Opioid Prescription - with warning not to prescribe with benzodiazepines

In today’s fast-paced world, the conversation around prescription medication misuse, particularly the mixing of benzodiazepines (benzos) and opiates, has become more crucial than ever. While some individuals may question, “Is benzo an opiate?” or “Are benzos and opiates the same?”, it’s essential to understand that though they are different classes of drugs, their combination can […]