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Methadone Is Blamed For Overdose Deaths

The statistics are striking. Methadone – a drug once prescribed mostly to treat drug addiction – is now blamed for one third of the overdose deaths attributed to prescription painkillers. The U.S. Centers For Disease Control and Prevention reports that researchers have found that methadone only accounts for two percent of all painkiller prescriptions written […]

Oxycodone Detox Center

Realizing the need to seek an oxycodone detox center can prompt feelings of dread, fear and uncertainty. It’s completely understandable. Oxycodone and other prescription opiates can cause dependence and addiction, and turning that around can be difficult without professional assistance. Oxycodone is a potent narcotic included in medications such as OxyContin and Percocet. People who […]

Oxycodone Addiction Symptoms

Dangers of Oxycodone Being able to spot the signs of oxycodone addiction can help get the ball rolling on opiate treatment and recovery. You may have suspicions that a loved one is abusing or addicted to a prescription painkiller containing Oxycodone. Knowing for sure can help you to help this person by being supportive and suggesting […]

Oxycodone Addiction Facts

There are a number of  Oxycodone addiction facts that should be part of any awareness disclosures. Having a firm knowledge and understanding of the nature of drugs such as Oxycodone is key to avoiding serious problems. Oxycodone is a very strong narcotic pain reliever similar to morphine, codeine and hydrocodone. It’s used to treat moderate […]

Oxycodone Addiction and Families

There are millions of people suffering from an addiction to opiates – people who never thought they would be in this type of situation. Same goes for family and friends who are often blindsided when they realize a loved one is hooked on opiates. Oxycodone is believed to be one of the most powerful pain […]

States Initiate Drug Take Back Programs To Get Opiates Off The Streets

Prescription drug abuse is one of the fastest growing problems and has hit this country hard. Opiate painkillers and other prescription drugs are the driving force behind a large portion of addiction and crime.  According to the New York Times, the medicine cabinet may be to blame. The paper said addicts are casing homes of […]