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Methadone Detox Options

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Sometimes, people need to detox from a drug that was designed to help them kick other, more serious drugs. This can be the case with both methadone and Suboxone, considered opiate replacement therapies. If you have taken methadone for opiate addiction, you may be one of the people who find they’ve become dependent upon it. There are options to free yourself from opiate addiction, once and for all.
Methadone is an extremely potent narcotic that is available in pill and liquid form and also in tablets that dissolve under the tongue. This drug is best known as substitution therapy to help people get off more dangerous drugs such as OxyContin and heroin. Methadone can be an effective drug for maintenance therapy but has some potential for abuse and dependence. This drug is long lasting and can delay or possibly prevent most withdrawal symptoms.

A “Cold Turkey” Detox From Methadone is Potentially Dangerous

Trying to stop methadone therapy cold turkey can be dangerous. Withdrawal can last for several weeks and possibly longer for those who are on a high dose regimen. While detoxing from Methadone, some of the following symptoms may arise:
* Nausea
* Vomiting
* Diarrhea
* Fever
* Chills
* Body aches
* Tremors
* Restless legs
* Sneezing
* Dehydration
* Convulsions
* Insomnia
* Anxiety
* Agitation
* Delusions
* Paranoia
* Depression
* Hallucinations
* Suicidal thoughts
* Elevated blood pressure
Trying to quit methadone on your own without help is impossible for many due to intense opiate withdrawalsymptoms. Extreme exhaustion and depression during withdrawal tend to last longer than most other symptoms and these issues need to be addressed and monitored. There are several inpatient treatment programs available that offer different methods of detox to treat Methadone addiction.

Inpatient Methadone Detox Options Offer A More Thorough Approach

Traditional inpatient detox focuses on detoxing patients by tapering them off methadone and implementing other medications to ease withdrawal symptoms. This medical detox could last several days or weeks. During detox, patients can expect to participate in individual and group counseling to help deal with the transition.
Rapid opiate detox is another option that’s becoming more popular. Advances in addiction medicine allow for patients in rapid detox to have their physical dependency to a drug quickly eliminated. This happens through a procedure that uses intravenous medicine to wipe out the dependency while patients are anesthetized. Responsible rapid detox center perform this procedure in a hospital and provide close monitoring over the 3-5-day hospital stay. This detox accelerates withdrawal, which happens while patients are sedated. They are not consciously aware they’re withdrawing. Aftercare is another important aspect of rapid detox that provides ongoing care for a few days during the transition.
When you choose Waismann Method Medical Group, you know you chose the best. We dont cut corners and compromise your safety or the effectiveness of the Methadone Detox.
We offer:

  • Full Service Accredited Hospital
  • Multi Board Certified Medical Director
  • Almost 20 years of Outstanding Rapid Detox Services
  • 5 to 10 Days Inpatient All inclusive
  • Recovery Retreat
  • Private Rooms
  • Psychological Follow Up

If you are looking for the best Methadone detox options available, give us a call today at 310-205-0808

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