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Fentanyl Addiction Facts: Abuse, Detox, and Treatment

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There are many Fentanyl Addiction Facts to be considered: Opiate addiction is a growing threat for millions of people. For most, it’s an unfortunate effect caused by the use of this potent prescription painkiller. No one sets out to purposely become addicted to it. But while it can be safe to take as directed, some people do intentionally abuse it for the high it can create.
Either way, Fentanyl addiction is a very serious problem that can be conquered through professional opiate detoxification. This powerful narcotic is used to treat severe pain and breakthrough cancer pain that isn’t managed by other opiates alone. People should not take Fentanyl unless they’re already tolerant to opiates.
Fentanyl (Actiq, Duragesic) is habit-forming and subject to misuse. Some people mix it with street drugs such as cocaine or heroin to amplify effects. This is dangerous and can lead to:

  • Drowsiness
  • Respiratory distress
  • Respiratory arrest
  • Confusion
  • Sedation
  • Unconsciousness
  • Coma
  • Death

Fentanyl Overdose Can Happen If Abuse Or Relapse Occurs

Overdose is a real threat to those who abuse Fentanyl. But people who take it according to instructions can do so without a problem. Not everyone who is tolerant or dependent upon Fentanyl is addicted. The distinction lies in the nature of the dependency. If a person is physically dependent, this means the body has become used to the drug and will go into Fentanyl withdrawal if use is stopped. Addiction means a person is both physically and psychologically dependent on Fentanyl.
Fentanyl is said to be much more powerful than both heroin and morphine. Fentanyl addiction is very hard to overcome without professional help. Fentanyl withdrawal can be so intense and dangerous that many people return to use within the first few days. This time period is critical in terms of a Fentanyl overdose. A person who relapses on Fentanyl can overdose if their tolerance to the drug has dropped during the abstinence period.

Understanding all Fentanyl Addiction Facts

You can overcome an addiction to Fentanyl. It may not happen right away, and there may be relapses, but there is reason to hope. Having a willingness to get clean is very important. No one can make you do it. The right opiate treatment program can offer the physical and psychological support you need to get you through this trying time.
Waismann Method Treatment specializes in opiate addiction and has treated thousands of people hooked on Fentanyl and other painkillers. Our renowned opiate detoxification takes place in the safety of a hospital and quickly eradicates the physical dependency. We use intravenous medications while patients are comfortably medicated with sedative medication in their private room, which helps patients to overcome the withdrawal phase in a comfortable and safe manner.
We offer Rapid Detox and other forms of effective medically assisted fentanyl detox treatment protocols. Our exclusive location is based only in Southern California,   By focusing on one single location, we have been able to maintain our position as the leader in opiate detoxification treatment for over a decade. Our state of the art hospital and inclusive recovery retreat is backed by over 22 years of experience, dedication, and reputation for superior medical care.

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