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I promise you won’t be disappointed with the Waismann Method.

To anyone considering cleansing their body of opiates, this is absolutely, unequivocally the only way to go. I debated and hesitated for months thinking that it might be a gimmick or just too good to be true. I finally took a leap of faith (which included flying across the country) after fully accepting that opiates completely controlled my life. The best money I have ever spent.

From the time at the hospital with Dr. Lowenstein, Christina, and Dana thru the aftercare at Domus with Jamon, Ronnie, Renee, Lewis, Enga(sp) and all the great chefs, the experience was remarkable. The professionals at Domus were unbelievably attentive, compassionate, friendly, and understanding. I can honestly say that I couldn’t have made it through the process without them. Words can’t describe how indebted I feel to the staff.

I think it is important to note that exorcizing opiates from the body requires effort from the patient as well. There is no avoiding sleep and the initial stomach issues but at Domus, they do everything medically possible to ease the symptoms. The recovery is a process of time and it certainly seems the more you put into it the quicker you heal. My last 3 days there I was able to exercise on the treadmill for at least 2hrs at a time and it made a measurable difference in my recovery. I encourage anyone considering a detox to take the same leap I did. It will be the single best return on investment you will ever make in your life. I promise you won’t be disappointed with the Waismann Method.

– Roxicodone, Oxycodone, Fentora Patient, 2015