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FDA Hydrocodone Restrictions Lead to Illegal Drug Use? Rapid Detox the Solution?

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Hydrocodone pills

With the FDA set to reclassify hydrocodone pills as a Schedule II drug, Waismann Method rapid detox is glad to see the addictive drug correctly classed. However, they also worry about the increased potential for illegal trade and hope people fighting addiction get help.

Hydrocodone Restrictions

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif., Nov. 6, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — In response to the growing opiate addiction epidemic, the FDA requested the government relabel hydrocodone pills as a Schedule II drug. Waismann Method rapid detox applauds this as a much-needed move by the FDA. There are epidemic proportions of opiate dependency in this country. Hydrocodone has had fewer restrictions than other equally addicting painkillers like OxyContin or Percocet. As a result, it is one of the most abused legal substances. This new classification required hydrocodone users to visit their doctor more often to obtain a written prescription for a refill.
Doctors will no longer be able to prescribe as freely in the past. Thus, Waismann worries that chronic users will use illegal avenues to get the drug they have become physically dependent on. Additionally, they may seek illicit drugs such as heroin, which can be cheaper than prescription painkillers.

Rapid Detox for Hydrocodone AddictionFDA - Hydroconde Restrictions

Waismann recognizes this change could be a challenge for chronically ill hydrocodone users, who use the pills to manage chronic pain. They call on these patients’ physicians to compassionately ensure that they provide a steady supply of the recommended dosage.
Because of that, Waismann Method rapid detox hopes people who find themselves addicted to hydrocodone pills seek hydrocodone treatment without shame and judgment.
Physically dependent individuals will need to be guided to a hydrocodone treatment center to address their addiction. For many, long term rehab is simply not a time commitment they can make. In those cases, rapid hydrocodone detox is a viable course. The Waismann Method medical rapid detox has specialized in opiate dependencies over the last 14 years and has treated thousands of individuals with a high number of people who complete the program still opiate free after one year.
Source: EIN

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