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Narcotic Analgesics Can Be Habit Forming

Analgesics, also known as painkillers or pain medication, are available by prescription or over the counter. There are two kinds of analgesics – those considered to be narcotics and those that are non-narcotic. They are drugs or medicine used to relieve pain of varying degrees. Examples of over-the-counter analgesics include aspirin, ibuprofen, acetaminophen and naproxen. […]

Subutex Withdrawal and Addiction Treatment

Subutex Withdrawal

Finding the Best Treatment for Subutex  Subutex is an opioid analgesic often used to treat a narcotics addiction. The drug acts directly on the opioid receptors at the central nervous system level. It works by inhibiting the action of narcotics like morphine or heroin. It is essential to know that Subutex is an opioid narcotic, […]

Norco Addiction Treatment

Norco is a brand-name medication that consists of hydrocodone bitartrate and acetaminophen. It is a Schedule III narcotic, meaning it has a high potential for abuse and that severe dependence can develop. Norco can cause both mental and physical addiction. Moreover, you do not have to abuse Norco to become physically dependent. The withdrawal can […]

Norco Side Effects

What are Norco Side Effects? You can expect to feel some side effects from most medications and Norco is no different. Norco is an opiate pain reliever used in the management of moderate to severe pain. Not every person taking Norco experiences side effects in the same way. Some can be mild, while others may last […]

Norco Overdose

Norco overdose is usually caused by using too much of the narcotic, whether accidentally or intentionally, leading to an overdose. This can cause cardiac arrest or even death. The hydrocodone component of the medication is an opioid analgesic and can cause difficulty breathing and extreme drowsiness. Norco also contains acetaminophen, a painkiller that can cause […]

Norco Abuse

Abuse of prescription drugs, especially painkillers, has become a serious problem around the world and correlates directly with the rising number of prescriptions being written. For many, it starts with a legitimate prescription for moderate to severe pain. For some, a drug dependence starts slowly; for others, its onset can be swift. In both cases, […]

MS Contin Treatment

MS Contin treatment can be difficult because the drug falls into the opiate category, causing both long term mental and physical addiction. The Waismann Method of detox under deep sedation for MS Contin abuse offers a humane an effective MS Contin treatment solution for patients with addiction to all opiates. Our Drug Treatment combines correcting […]

MS Contin Detox

MS Contin detox can be difficult because the drug falls into the opiate category, causing both long term mental and physical addiction. MS Contin detox is performed with the Waismann Methodsm a medical procedure under deep sedation that induce and speed the withdrawal while the patient sleeps. MS Contin addiction is a serious problem in […]

MS Contin Abuse

When it comes time to seek help for a prescription painkiller addiction, the Waismann Method offers a humane, safe and completely confidential alternative to long-term detox programs. Abusing MS Contin can include a wide range of risky behaviors that can lead to health and other problems. Most of our patients seek out our expertise after […]

Morphine Side Effects

There are many reported side effects associated with morphine use, and some can be quite serious. Powerful drugs containing opioids can be dangerous if not taken exactly as recommended by your doctor and pharmacist. Even when taken correctly this type of drug can still lead to allergic reactions, tolerance, dependence or in worst case scenario, […]