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Stress and Anger Management

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Being in constant, agonizing pain can be extremely stressful on the body and mind. Over time, this problem can take a toll on sufferers unless they are able to find adequate pain management and develop useful coping techniques. Having emotional distress and chronic pain can rob people of their happiness, motivation and personality. It can affect the sufferer’s well-being, relationships and job. Getting the stress and anger in check is important for many reasons. Physical and emotional health can deteriorate if a person succumbs to constant negativity. Having negative thoughts and emotions can also worsen pain.

Stress and Anger

Stress and anger can have a detrimental effect on the mind and body. They can raise blood pressure, strain the heart, weaken the immune system and lead to digestive issues and illness. Finding out how to cope with stressful situations and anger is key to living a happy, healthy and productive life. Chronic pain can lead to anxiety, fear, depression, panic and feelings of hopelessness. This could be directly because of the pain but also because of the indirect effects of this pain. People may become even more depressed because of a lost job, family stressors or because of medication side effects. Negative feelings can exacerbate the pain and the perception of pain. Changing these feelings and beliefs may not happen overnight, and cognitive behavioral therapy can help.
In addition to treating pain medically, the stress and anger must be addressed. Anger and stress can become worse if people repress instead of express their feelings. Having someone to talk to is important, whether it be a significant other, friend of therapist. Someone who is trained in anger management or stress therapy can help patients to open up about their frustrations, change the cycle of negativity and find ways to cope with their situation.

Anger Management

Anger can be a healthy and necessary emotion for us until it turns to rage or hostility. Suppressing it is even more dangerous. Things that can help include deep breathing, meditation, visualization, talk therapy and yoga or other exercise. These practices can help people recognize triggers, calm down, develop patience, solve problems, communicate better and avoid traps that lure them into an angry or anxious state. Cognitive restructuring is a therapy that helps people to change the way they think, feel and ultimately, act. Finding ways to incorporate humor can also help people to diffuse anger. Managing anger and stress is essential to helping people come to terms with their situation and find ways to move beyond it.

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